Interest in showings the for Honor In the Air documentary film remains strong. Just take a look at our Screenings page for the list of all scheduled events. But there are even more are pending. Though some are for Veteran reunion groups, most are free and open to the public.
Regarding of public, we have confirmed that Milwaukee Public Television will air Honor In the Air on Veterans Day, November 11, 2025. We are optimistic that Wisconsin Public Television will also agree to show our film on the same day in celebration of all of our Vietnam Veterans throughout Wisconsin. After these showings, we will share a public Youtube link here so anyone, anywhere, can watch the film for free at any time. Of course, our dedicated team will still be available to attend screenings and answer questions or lead discussions afterward. We are always pleased and honored to meet Veterans, students, flight enthusiasts and others at group showings.
If you'd like to schedule a showing of Honor In the Air for your group, please get in touch with us using the contact form located on the Honor In the Air home page.
Thanks for your ongoing support of Veterans and Honor In the Air.