Penny Alwin Kleinhans and I met recently with two Veterans groups to share information about our brother, Captain Scott Alwin, and the Honor in the Air documentary project. We are both part of the project's Community Engagement Team and enjoy talking with those interested in this project.
On March 10, 2022, we talked with members of the Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA) Chapter 351 at Appleton American Legion Post 38 (Wisconsin). The presentation was organized by Chapter member Attorney Steve Toney, our friend, who first attended a project presentation at the New London American Legion Post.
The members of the VVA, including chapter president Larry Cavanaugh, were warmly receptive. Veterans who had served in and around Bien Hoa during Scott’s tours of duty were in attendance and shared some of their experiences. One Army medic related that he had been caring for casualties on the perimeter during the Tet Offensive. He said that when the helicopters, including those from the 68th AHC, arrived to give them support, he finally felt like they had enough cover to maybe make it through the attack alive. It was so emotional and rewarding to have him share his memories with us. It was one more example of why so many of those Veterans became as close as brothers to each other and to Scott. We thank him for the blessing of his shared memory and for his courage, then and now.

Chapter 351 has one of the most impressive Educational Programs in the State. They are active in High Schools throughout the metro area and the county with Veterans sharing their personal stories as well as their perspectives on the Vietnam War, duty, and Military Service with the young people in their community. It’s a powerful and effective program so perhaps it was fitting that one of the guests was an administrator from the Menasha Public School District who also happens to be Scott’s nephew, Todd Kleinhans.
We met with the American Legion Post 209 in Orfordville (Wisconsin) on Saturday March 12th. Post 209, with Commander Braund, was celebrating the 102 Anniversary of the Chartering of the Wells-Davis-Young-Neal Post with a pot luck banquet attended by their Post members, the Post Auxiliary and the Sons of the American Legion Post members. The host moderator was District One Commander Karl Stuvengen who is currently a candidate for the position of State Commander. This was a lively meeting with a great deal of interaction between presenters and the audience including during our presentation on Captain Alwin.
We learned as much from this community oriented group of veterans, auxiliary and SAL as they did from us. It was a rewarding and fun evening for all of us and we were so appreciative of the invitation and opportunity to meet so many dedicated men and women.
If you'd like to schedule a free presentation for your group, just let us know. We love doing these visits and we believe the Veterans, auxiliary, and public who come to share an evening, enjoy the experience too. Hope to see you soon!
Pamela Alwin Fullerton Co-Producer, Honor in the Air
call 715-675-4115 or text 608-436-0698
